Sunday, December 24, 2006

Alumni Withholding Contributions Until Wren Chapel Cross is Restored

The "No Cross, No Cash" slogan was born in the following letter, written by Margee Mulhall, class of '84:

December 22, 2006

As an alumna living in California, I have just heard of the Wren Chapel controversy. At first I thought this had to be a joke. Even in the ultimate "PC" state, we allow crosses in our chapels. It is interesting to contrast this issue with the last controversy I was alerted to via email -–the dispute with the NCAA over the Tribe nickname and logo. In his October 10th letter to the college community, President Nichol strongly supported the tradition and reputation of the college but also stressed the importance of "setting priorities" and that "our fiercest challenges reside at the core of our mission." Is it a core mission of President Nichol to remove the cross from the Wren Chapel? If it is not, how much time, energy and financial support is being drained from our core mission due to his poor handing of this issue? I find it ironic that I received the email alerting me to the controversy on the same day that I received an email solicitation from The Fund for William and Mary entitled, "Remember the Magic..." In the past week I also received two letters from various college entities soliciting end of the year donations. I will reply to each of these requests with the same refrain, "No Cross, No Cash." Until the Wren Cross decision is reversed, I will not financially support the College. I believe that this is the most effective way to let President Nichol know how strongly I disagree with his decision.

Margee Mulhall,
Class of 1984

We (the "scribes" newsgroup of SaveTheWrenCross.Org) had been trying to come up with a way to tally the amount of money that was being withheld by alumni, but the idea had not moved passed the e-chatting phase. Now we realize that what we were missing was a good slogan! Thanks to Margee for supplying the much-needed inspiration.

Below is a list of alumni who are withholding contributions from William and Mary until the Wren Chapel Cross has been restored to its location on the altar.

Margee Mulhall, '84
Karen Hall, '78 (Fourth Century Club)
Karla K. Bruno, ’81 and ‘92
Elizabeth Gibbons, '71
Eugene R. Thurston,Jr. '66 (Fourth Century Club)
Victor K. Biebighauser '75
Todd Skiles '92 (Bequeath Revoked)
Andrew R. McRoberts, A.B.‘87
Constance Bruce McRoberts, B.B.A.‘88
W. J. Clark Evans, B.B.A., '82
Ellen Williams Evans, B.A. '83
Robert G. Jones, A.B. Government, '72

(To add your name to this list, please send an e-mail with your request. Please add any details you'd like to include (i.e. withdrawing money bequeathed in your will; member of Fourth Century Club; actual annual amount; etc. If you have announced your decision on another blog or on the SaveTheWrenCross.Org site, it would be helpful if you could send an e-mail here just the same.)

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